Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The 100 Club

This is my result from the 100 club project. I decided to take 100 different photos of buttons. Half of the photos are of individual buttons and the other half is taken from buttons on clothes. I did it this way because my friend had a small collection of buttons that I took photos of, but there wasnt quite 100 of them so I had to find other buttons elsewhere. I used Adobe InDesign to layout my photos and this was the first time I had ever used the software. I think I learned quite alot because I retained was I learnt here and used it for another project of mine.

Tokyo Wolf!

This is what I am going to send off to Tokyo. I have included all the things we were asked to send, and a CD of my 3 favourite songs will go in separetly. I have used Adobe InDesign to layout all of the images and I took a picutre from the Internet to use as my background - it's of the city of Tokyo from a birds eye view. I was happy with the print out because each of the images printed out very clearly with out any pixilation. To complete this A2 sheet, I used my knowledge of InDesign that I gained from the 100 club project where we were given a short tutorial on how to use it, as most of my class, including myself, hadn't used this software before.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Perfect Crime

For my perfect crime that I came up with, I decided that it wouldn't matter what crime you commited as long as you were an indentical twin. They will have the exact same DNA so no one could prove exactly which twin did the crime, so they couldn't be put away for it.... I think. For my design I used stick men to represent the identical twins as it would be easy to make them look accurately the same, rather than trying to put too much detail into drawing someone. I added two drawings of DNA which are the same to show that they are indentical. Although I'm not quite sure this works very well in my design but I wouldn't know how to make this better. I like the tag line that I came up with however, because its a saying that is used but it also makes sense here with the message that I am trying to portray.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Like Psych

This is an outcome based on an essay that I wrote about myself. I began by highlighting words in my essay that I could make illustrations of that I did in my sketchbook. They turned out quite well so I scanned them into photoshop along with a photograph that I took of a text book. I wanted this image so that the drawings could look as if they are coming out of the book, like ideas coming out of my head. I had the background photograph already that I took of the river and the London City Airport and I thought that it would make a nice background so I added that, and then I felt it needed some text. So I decided to actually add in my essay at the top of the page. Overall I'm not sure what I think of the design I think some bits work well and others not - perhaps the drawing element doesn't match with the rest of images? It does need some work though.

A Perfect Snowman

She may not be perfect but this is my attempt at making the perfect snowman, or snowoman. With a lack of resources like a carrot for her nose, buttons for the eyes and mouth, nor a hat or scarf, instead I improvised with black paint, tomato puree and two small twigs. I made her really small so that it would be easier to create perfectly round balls...however they still aren't quite perfectly round. But I think she looks cute anyway and I had fun making her.

Project 12

This project didnt have a title, other than Project 12. This was because the brief only consisted of an image. The image was of a girl with her hands on her stomach and looking at in whilst stood in a bathroom. We had to produce a piece of Graphics that we thought was relavant to the image. Firstly, I brainstormed down a few of my ideas about what could be going on in the picture and then I chose one to go with. I drew around the girl and added a set of scales underneath her. My idea was that the girl was self-concious of her weight like most girls are. So I placed the image on a background of dream like images of skinny celebrities that I cut out from magazines as if she was dreaming of being like them. I also added some hand drawn text on the girl which are the thoughts that are running though her head whilst she was stood on the scales. Overall I've decided that I'm not sure that this works altogether; I like my drawing of the girl but I think that maybe this gets lost with the busy backgrounds of the women in the magazine cutouts. I think perhaps the image of the girl would have worked better if it was stood by herself and enlarged to fit the page.

Research Musts!

This piece of work shows 20 new artists and designers that I researched in one day. I had to find 5 new Artists, Illustrators, Photgraphers and Graphic Designers that I hadn't heard of before and here are the ones I found. I was really interested in the Photography work that I found, particularly the work by Josef Sudek.