Sunday, May 1, 2011

Wish You Were Here!

These are my re-invention of the postcard, keeping only the concept. In the top picture you can see how the postcards look as they will be delivered, with the address of the recipient and the postage stamp. Then you remove the lid of the box to reveal the contents, and a message on the inside of the lid. The idea is that when you go on holiday, you can purchase these small clear boxes and you can fill them with whatever you like that you find on your holiday or that references the place that you are in. For example, for one of the postcards I have filled it with sand and other beach like objects. I have changed the idea of having a romanticised 2D image of the holiday destination on the postcard by using 3D objects that can be kept as memorabilia. During the class crit my classmates said that then liked my idea, however one thing that was said was the big blue clips on the boxes are quite chunky and it kind of distracts away from the delicate objects inside. So one way to improve my postcard idea would be to buy more plain styled boxes.

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